Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sicily '43 -- The End

Going from 600 to nearly 1,000 visits in a day is a rather nice thing.  Feel obligated to provide content.

PzC Sicily '43 three-way game just wrapped up this evening.  You can read more below, but the bottom line was that the scenario sought to simulate Patton and Monty's race for Messina.  I was the Wehrmacht and my friends Doug and Charles were the Americans and the British respectively. The scenario notes make clear that the Axis really isn't supposed to win this one, but we actually pulled off a major victory.

This is as close as either side got to Messina:

In fairness to both fellow, the terrain in Sicily is ghastly and really does benefit the defender.  Combine that with the hard ZsoC in this system and you have a recipe for very slow going.

This is a longer view of the end game:

I didn't care over much for counting VPs on this one.  After all, the Axis has had to leave (the HG Division left hours before the end...bastards...) and the Allies controlled the island, but I'm pretty pleased that I locked them this far out of town.  For those tracking such things, the Allies were stuck at a Major Defeat and would have needed another 1,000 VPs to get out of it.

Again, though, this is a great series and the game was an hoot.


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