Thursday, September 15, 2016

Remember Gordon! - Campaign Game

The best wargames tell a story.  They don't just talk about the history of the events as one could find in any history book, but they make a case that events unfolded a particular way.  This, in part, connects to the notion that a player ought to be able to use the same strategy and tactics employed by participants and get similar results.  Going farther, though, it ought to give the player a feel for the challenges faced by those participants and, as organically as possible, take the player to the critical moments where battles broke one way or another and let the player explore both why and what can be done.

The "Remember Gordon!" campaign game is doing a nice job of this so far.

My Anglo-Egyptians are toddling slowly down the West bank of the Nile.  Some can move faster than others, but I don't want to string out the route of march too much so I'm trying to be patient.  The lead elements are almost at the spot where the zariba was built.

On the other bank, I've sent the "Friendlies" brigade (loyal Sudanese) down to kill the only enemy regiment on that side of the river while trying to stay well clear of both the Mahdist gunboats and fortress guns.

All this said, every swinging camel hump between here and Cairo is now bearing down on my relatively small band of marchers.  And this is only the first wave of several to come.  There's really only once place to go, the gap between the rough terrain visible at the top of the first photo above, and they should be through by the time I hit the zariba space.  Nervous times...

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