Sunday, September 25, 2016

Napoleon's Last Battles -- Campaign, Summer to Fall 2016 -- 13

Four turns of daylight to go so I sent in the Guard.  The risk there, of course, is that any adverse result will drop all French demoralization levels by 20 points. Deciding nothing ventured is nothing gained, I launched the bulk of the guard at Ponsonby's men who had stuck their elbow out near a small stream.  My greatest fear, as always, was an Exchange, but I got a Defender Retreat and round one of the final fight went to the bearskin hats.

On the Allied right, I've now caused enough casualties to demoralize all of HL's troops except the British themselves and they're only 4 SPs away.  The biggest consequence of demoralization is that it doubles the movement cost of clear terrain and everything else gets worse from there.  As I've still got a notion of scampering Northwest in a desperate bid for VP, slowing him down that dramatically would be a good thing indeed.
That said, MB's Prussians are developing a pincer around my right that would have closed turns ago if it weren't for the fact that she's only got Old Vorwaerts to give orders to her corps.

She came hard after my right flank a couple turns ago, but managed only a DR despite having a 4:1 advantage.  Perhaps more importantly to history, Grouchy survived the repulse.

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