Saturday, August 20, 2016

Remember Gordon! -- Campaign Scenario

Having had a go at the historical scenario (Anglo-Egyptian walkover) and the mini game of the fall of Khartoum (Mahdist walkover), it's time to take up the campaign of Omdurman itself.  The game's designers have pulled the timeline back a bit and let the Mahdist commander make better decisions than Abdullah al Taashi ever did.

By way of reminder, General Sir Herbert Kitchener is on his way to Omdurman to defeat the Mahdist forces (the Mahdi himself having passed some years before) and redeem the honor of the empire so stained by the death of "Chinese Gordon" 14 years earlier.  They've come with several regular British regiments as well as a contingent of loyal Egyptians and Sudanese.

Your commanders, ladies and gentlemen.
For a variety of reasons, most of them logistical, the Anglo-Egyptians are marching with their left flank glued to the West bank of the Nile. Steaming along side them are a number of new-model heavily-armed gunboats.  The Madhists in their turn, are allowed to construct 17 gun forts along and south of the only major terrain feature that isn't the Nile River.

West is at the top of this photo.  Khartoum is off-map to the left, having been left to rot after it fell in 1884.
HL, who has taken the Mahdists has garrisoned the main island in the Nile.  Wise move I think as I can't move my "Friendlies" brigade over the river by steamboat until that single white combat unit (seen below at lower right) is defeated.  Now no easy task as the Mahdist guns have a seven-hex range.

And so, to quote Princess Leia, "here they come!"

View from Omdurman looking North-by-North East.

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